9 products

Breast Markers

A breast marker is provided by Peak Surgicals. Smaller than a sesame seed, Breast Markers are made of titanium or stainless steel. Breast tissue removal sites are marked using breast biopsy markers during a breast biopsy operation. This is a Plastic Surgery Instrument which is used for Biospy.

A breast imager's practice must include percutaneous breast and axillary core biopsy, followed by marker implantation, as these procedures are advantageous to patients and physicians alike. The norm is to place markers to make future upkeep easier. The goal of this study is to assess device-related adverse events, device flaws, and long-term safety in order to define the safety and performance of the biopsy markers Mckissock Key Hole Marker, Freeman Areola Marker 34 to 50mm, Freeman Areola Marker 38mm to 50mmFreeman Areola Marker 36 to 56mmAckermann Areola Marker and Freeman Areola Marker 36mm to 50mm.

Breast Markers Available Online at Peak Surgicals

Patients who underwent image-guided breast or axillary biopsies followed by marker implantation between 1 January 2012 and 1 January 2017 were discovered through a retrospective analysis of three radiography practices. Adverse occurrences associated to the usage and placement of markers were noted after reviewing medical records. 768 markers were positioned, and three (0.4 percent) occurrences were noted. Three patients experienced two device flaws and one minor adverse event.

User mistakes in the deployment of the markers resulted in two device deficiencies: the first was the marker's failure to be found on post-biopsy imaging, and the second was its positioning in relation to the biopsy target. Unable to locate or maintain the marker in a surgically removed material was one mild adverse occurrence. There were no documented severe negative events.

Placing breast biopsy markers is risk-free and only slightly dangerous. There were no reported problems with the performance, reliability, durability, or safety of the item. If you want to buy Breast Marker you can contact peak surgicals sales team.