Things to think about when looking to Buy Bipolar Forceps?

So you use Bipolar Forceps in some, most, or all of your procedures.

You want to know how to find the best Bipolar Forceps for your specific needs. You need to make sure that the solution is affordable, that the equipment is reliable, that it works with your generators, and, most importantly, that your surgeons are happy with it.

We've been focusing on electrosurgical equipment and bipolar forceps for more than 15 years, and every year we supply this equipment for more than 30,000 procedures. So, to help, we've made a list of the most important things to think about when buying Bipolar Forceps.

The most common question we get from customers is whether they should get reusable or disposable Bipolar Forceps.

The most important thing to remember is that reusable forceps are usually 20–40 times more expensive than disposable forceps. 20x for a general Forcep that is used in general surgery or breast surgery. 40x for special forceps used in neurosurgery, spinal surgery, or eye surgery.

Most people know about and use reusable forceps because they come with tips of different sizes, lengths, and materials, such as titanium.

But there are problems to think about with reusable forceps. The main ones are insulation failure and damage to expensive reusable forceps, which many hospitals and departments have to deal with. One example of this is when all of the forceps in your Sterile Services are put through a high-potency test. Your stock of Forceps that you can use again and again could run out without warning if they fail hipot testing. If this is happening to you, you can use Instrument Cassettes to keep your Bipolar Forceps in good shape. This is a helpful method that can be used in your department. If you want to look into this, get in touch with our team right away.

Now, let's talk about disposable forceps. We're seeing a lot of hospitals switch to disposable forceps for three main reasons:

For every procedure, you get the right tip and insulation, which keeps the patient safe.

You know how much each procedure will cost, so you can plan for it, and you no longer have to deal with the unexpected costs of replacing reusable Forceps.

There is a Forcep for every procedure, so you don't have to go through sterile services to find more reusable ones when you run out.

What Cable do you Require?

The cable you need is the second thing to think about when buying bipolar forceps. There are two main types of cables in New Zealand. The first is called a "moulded plug cable" (see image a) and the second is called a "flying lead" or "separate lead cable" (see image b. below). Most modern generators can work with molded plug cables, so this would be the best solution for most of you. But if your Generator is older, you might need the flying lead or a separate Cable.

You have to buy a cable separately if you want to use forceps more than once. You don't have to use a reusable silicone bipolar cable with your reusable Forcep. You can also use a disposable cable with them. Using a cable that you throw away can be a cheaper way to move forward. Many hospitals find that cables that can be used more than once break down too soon. This is because they can be run over by carts or just get damaged in general. They get worn out quickly.

With disposable forceps, you have a few more options. For one, you can get them without a cable, just like with reusable forceps, and then you can use any cable you want.

But when it comes to disposables, most of our customers prefer to use a forcep and cable together. This saves them from having to stock and set up an extra item. In general, it is a better way to do it.

Note that all disposable forceps with cables come with the moulded plug connector, not the flying lead. So, if you have an older machine, talk to us about getting a flying lead cable with a forcep.

Sticky or Regular Tips?

The next thing to think about is whether you need tips that don't stick or regular tips made of stainless steel. Non-stick tips are made for delicate surgeries because they keep the tips clean, cut down on smoke and burning, and make it easier to see. They use silver because it doesn't stick, and since it's reusable, the whole tip is silver. In disposable, they use a silver insert to keep costs down. This is similar to how needleholders have tungsten carbide inserts.

The best tips for everyday use are made of stainless steel. This is mostly done to save money. For example, a stainless steel-tipped forcep that can be used more than once can save up to 25% of the cost of a non-stick one. When it comes to disposables, using stainless steel tips instead of non-stick tips can save up to 50% of the cost. So, this is something to think about if non-stick isn't needed, but keep in mind what your surgeon wants.

So, now you know the most important things to think about when buying Bipolar Forceps. Feel free to get in touch with the team right now to talk about your unique situation and needs.

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