4 Steps to Take Care of Orthopedic Instruments

After use in surgery, the orthopedic surgical instruments become contaminated. There is blood, bone chips, and tissues all over them. Liquids like saline and other corrosive fluids are harmful to the tools if not washed thoroughly. So, the first thing you should do after the surgery is clean them and then sterilize them. Take care not to put the big surgical tools on the smaller ones because that would be harmful when placed in an ultrasonic disinfector. Instead, take proper care of the main instruments made of stainless steel.

It would help clean instruments like drills internally and externally, so no blood stains remain on their surface. Most of the time, a water jet is helpful to remove all types of blood stains; later, you need it to pass it through the lumen.

Steps to Take Care of the Orthopedic Instruments

First, you must follow the instructions given on the product leaflet so that users use and take care of the instruments according to the manufacturers' recommendation. In addition to those, you must take some essential steps to take proper care of the orthopedic surgical tools.

 1.     Clean up the types of equipment that are air-driven

It would help if you had to take apart instruments like saw blades, nuts, drill bits, and others after every use and clean them by wiping them with a disinfected wipe to prevent any contamination. Using a precise brush, clean the collars of quick coupling chucks to block any contamination. Ideally, it is best to use an air blower to dry the equipment before lubricating it. Air-driven equipment must dry before you put it away for use later.

 2.     Clean the air pipes

Clean the pipes with a detergent, a brush, or a clean cloth. The hose cannot have water running inside. You can connect the two ends, make a loop, and then clean carefully for that purpose. Unique hose coverings seal the openings to prevent water from running inside while washing in a washer. The air hose manufacturers and distributors can provide accurate information about such products. Moving parts need lubrication, as mentioned earlier.

 3.     Oiling

After washing, the next step would be to oil every piece of medical equipment, so they work smoothly. You must use an AO oil so that no instrument sustains damage. It would be best to oil them before putting them in a sterilizer because it can easily handle their temperature. After greasing, please put them in an air supply for 20 seconds so that you can apply the oil everywhere thoroughly.

 4.     Sterilization

Use steam to sterilize air equipment at 140 degrees in an autoclave. However, you must follow the manufacturer's guidelines in this matter. Items should not be stacked on top of air hoses, and you must disconnect their ends, so steam does not stay entrapped inside any cavities. Batteries are the exception for steam sterilization. They should be untouched by the steam or any disinfectant. Batteries are classed as unsterile and moved by the circulating nurse.

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